Join the List of Our Successful Referral Partners.

We solve your business contacts' technology challenges.

Your image and income thrive.

Referral Program: HOW IT WORKS



Signing an NDA protects your sensitive information. As we proceed with the Agent Agreement, the terms and conditions of our cooperation under the Referral Program are stipulated and your reward secured.



You connect us to your contact/client in need of our services (Custom telehealth & patient apps; FHIR, RPM & complex Epic integrations; radiology/DICOM, CDSS, etc.)



We reach out to the contact to discover their needs and offer them a viable solution. The communication and negotiation process requires no extra effort from you.



When we close a deal with your contact, you get 7.5% of the gross revenue we make during the first 12 months of doing business with your contact.

Let's talk!

Interested in becoming an SPsoft partner? Fill in the form below! We will get back to you and schedule an initial partner evaluation call.


Since 2017, we have served a plethora of clients from a variety of industries. All ideas matter, so we work with both 5-10 people start-ups and $10 billion Technology, SaaS, eCommerce, Healthcare, Marketing, Fintech, Real Estate, and Retail enterprises. Yet, we see no limits and embrace new challenges with passion and expertise.

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